Mike's been torturously ill for three days, and I've - how do they say it? - ah, yes..."thrown out my back". Is this what it is to be old? If so, it could be worse, frankly. It's given me an excuse to catch up with my programs and even allowed me some vague moral license to watch something called Caesar's 24/7, which follows various sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, and dickheads around the famed Vegas casino in mercifully short but oddly captivating half-hour blocks. It was followed by Airline UK, centering around the staff of low-cost British Airway easyJet. That's right, there's a show about the comings and goings of budget-minded English fliers and the people who take their tickets. Juuuust when you thought there was a show for everything. Save yourselves. Turn off the TV now, before it's too late.
This mild convalescense has, of course, also given me the opportunity to finish up the last bits of Harry Potter. I've seen Rambo movies with lower body counts, but I'm nevertheless quite pleased. No longer bound to secrecy, J.K. Rowling herself has been willing to provide just a bit of added detail with regard to the fates of the main characters that she felt would have been unweildy in the book. Click here for a tad more closure.