So, I made the mistake of watching "new fall show" The Reaper on CW last night. It's this Kevin Smith produced thing with Ray Wise (Twin Peak's Leland Palmer) as the devil (good choice). As is my policy on new shows, I only watch things that I'm sure I won't enjoy. Keeps me from watching too much TV. It's about this guy who turns 21 and finds out that his parents sold his soul to the devil. It just sounded like a premise with nowhere to go...
Damn. It was actually kinda good. Funny and charming and all that. I'm sure it'll get really crappy over the next few episodes, right? The good news is, that Bionic Woman that everybody's supposed to love didn't do much for me, so maybe I'll break even? I mean, Sopranos and Deadwood are both gone, and I'm over maybe I need a new show?
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