Mo' primaries tonight, probably more wins for Barack Obama. Looks like strong turnout in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, in spite of some nasty weather. Obama's looking for big margins in these three areas that he's most likely going to win, while Hillary's looking to hold the line and keep morale up until early next month, when the big states with plenty o'delegates should be more friendly. On the Republican side, John McCain just wants Huckabee to stop embarrassing him.
Acc. to CNN, Clinton currently holds 1157 delegates to Obama's 1145. By one estimate, he's likely to get a net of 31 tonight, which would put him ahead for the first time by about 19. Results starting around 7:15.
7:15: Obama is projected to win in VA, though the margin is unclear. The Republicans, continuing to show a bit of buyer's remorse, seem to be heading toward a win for Huckabee in Virginia.
9:41: Wins in Maryland for Obama and McCain, and expected wins in DC for both gentlemen. On to Wisconsin, then Texas and Ohio.
Republicans take a deep breath and move toward acceptance, and the liberal media continues its halting dance on the grave of Hillary Clinton. When I say liberal media, I exclude, of course, the gay peeps, as a whole, find Obama's willingness to "reach out" to the forces of intolerance supremely creepy (. We also know that "reaching across the isle" usually involves throwing gays under the bus as a negotiation tactic. Hillary has also been the only candidate to support an Employment Non-Discrimination Act that would include provisions for the transgendered.
[I'm sorry...that was all a little out of the blue. A combination of liberal friends and news sources treating me like an heretic for supporting anyone other than Obama, as well as this stressful, but hardly fatal, string of losses has me a little on edge. This is supposed to be a happy time for someone like me, but I'm feeling just a little pooped upon. Perhaps it's my nature to always be just a little out of sync. All I'm sayin' is: a) they don't come any more liberal than me and b) even from that POV, Obama's no saint.]
I dunno. Now I'm just rambling. Sign the RESTORE petition. I'm off to bed.