As of 8:30, everyone's calling NC for Obama, and some, but not all are calling Indiana for Clinton. A dual win by either one could have been a major blow to the other, but instead it's looking like another split result. The final results will make a difference, but at the moment it seems like a good-sized victory for Obama in NC, which is bad news for Clinton.
OK, so after a really, really bad few weeks for Obama, he takes a huge, 14-point victory in NC, and Clinton wins narrowly in Indiana. Great night for him, really bad night for her...beginning of the end, I'd guess.
Right, I'm well sick of politics so none of that. Regarding becoming older, I too agree 31 looms rather larger than 30, possibly because it's no longer something anyone else really seems to care about? But now you're not even 'leaving your twenties' or any crap like that... just - getting greyer, older, weaker, etc..
Anyways, on that cheery note - try one of these existential / absurdist 'experimental travel' suggestions - I found this book..somewhere.. the website seems to give you everything the book has, but in a less pulpy format.
Very Sartre. Or perhaps Camus.. or, if you're really drunk and/or lost, somewhat Conrad. I would recommend Chance Travel, in Rochester, perhaps this coming weekend. See where you end up - and to mix it up, after say 3 hours make a guarantee that wherever you find yourself you will partake of the commercial propects on offer (i.e., at a restaurant = eat food; at a cinema = watch movie).
Posted by: Adamn | Wednesday, May 07, 2008 at 12:34 AM