OK, my lips seem to be returning to their normal color. Which I suspect is a good sign, unless I'm just rallying before the end. Still, it's Friday, there's a new Doctor Who on, and the pile of driveway mulch is growing progressively smaller. All with the world is, if not quite right, then blessedly OK.
¶ Also, the Democrat rules committee is going to be meeting in a couple of days to (probably) decide the fates of the delegates from Florida and Michigan. The speculation is that, at least for Florida, they'll decide to go halfsies (since that's the maximum punishment that party rules allow anyway). It's won't do all that much to erase the delegate lead that Obama has, but it gives Clinton a desired moral victory. It also gives her what may well be an unambiguous popular vote victory when all is said and done. That's not going to be good enough for a presidency, but it just might be worth a VP slot or two.
¶ Bob Dole chimes in on Scott McClellan's new book (the one where he shamelessly trashes his former boss): "There are miserable creatures like you in every administration." From the sheer volume of nasty tell-alls directed at President Bush, it would seem he hired 'miserable creatures', almost exclusively. I wish I had the time to go into all of the media reaction over this book, but it is hilarious watching folks fall all over themselves to come up with reasons why Scott McClellan, who was, up until a week ago, beyond reproach, is now some sort of hateful left-wing zombie.
¶ Harvey Corman died. That makes me sad. Here he is with Tim Conway, trying to keep it together in the dentist's chair.