Two weeks...two recipes from the Sunday paper. That's right: we've become the kind of people who make things that we find in the USA Weekend. America's premiere culinary-and-Tony-Danza-related-gossip magazine. The first bit of prep led to a delightful Chilled Cucumber & Tomato Soup with Fresh Dill. Delightfully summery, and didn't involve the stove upon which I tend to incur burns and the like. The second recipe came from an ad for Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk. A product that sounds straightforward enough, but that I didn't actually understand until I had a can of the stuff. Turns out it looks a lot like vanilla frosting, and tastes kinda like milk. That recipe led to the Strawberry Whipped Sensation, perfectly named for a trailer-park picnic; but, a warning: it's frozen, so keep it on ice.
I don't know what any of this says about me, but it turns out I sure do like recipes from the Sunday paper. What edible wonder will this weekend bring? Stay tuned to find out.