It's a beautiful day here in Rochester, which is a special gift at any time of year, and downright alarming in early November. The phrase "morning in America" comes to mind, with a sun so bright that it's almost unnatural in this part of the country. Here's hoping that our hopes will be borne out, our cynicism denied, and that we will have reson to feel unreservedly proud again.
But, lest you think that our work is done: anti-gay measures passed soundly in every state in which they were proposed last night, with the support of John McCain and Sarah Palin, but likely by many of the same voters that selected Barack Obama as President. Arizona, Florida, and California have each amended their constitutions to ban gay marriage outright, making thirty states with such amendments. Arkansas has outlawed any type of gay fostering or adoptions. This is all heartbreaking for anyone who believes in the promise of our nation, and it's particularly shattering for the couples in California who had barely polished off the wedding cake before being told that their love doesn't mean as much as the love between a man and a woman. In a bit of positive news, my friend Mark Ferrendino, who happens to be the first openly gay legislator in Colorado history, easily won re-election to the State Assembly.
A few distractions and complications arose last night that kept me from blogging, but nevertheless, there's work to be done, celebrating to do, and a new president-elect to hold to his promises. Our presidents have only ever been as good as we demand that they be, and we can't forget that. The sun's shining right now, but last night thousands of people found their marriages invalidated, and thousands more lost any chance at equality. For the moment. We hope.
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